
The contacts with the Bildungszentrum Apáczai in Pécs (Hungary) that have existed since 2001 and have been primarily initiated by Prof. Hildegard Holtstiege, PhD, have recently developed into a more intensive co-operation.


In the spring of 2003, Prof. Holtstiege, PhD, and Reinhard Fischer, PhD, travelled to Pécs in Hungary in order to help with the development of Montessori institutions by giving lectures and advice. In 2004 the head of the centre of education and two other educationalists visited the Montessori Centre in Münster in order to exchange ideas and give guest lectures.


The contacts with the Bildungszentrum Apáczai in Pécs (Hungary) that have existed since 2001 and have been primarily initiated by Prof. Hildegard Holtstiege, PhD, have recently developed into a more intensive co-operation.




In the spring of 2003, Prof. Holtstiege, PhD, and Reinhard Fischer, PhD, travelled to Pécs in Hungary in order to help with the development of Montessori institutions by giving lectures and advice. In 2004 the head of the centre of education and two other educationalists visited the Montessori Centre in Münster in order to exchange ideas and give guest lectures.


Holtstiege, Hildegard: Informationstag über Montessori-Pädagogik in Ungarn, in: Montessori 41 (2003), H.3, p.134-138


Sczélig, Terézia: Das Bildungszentrum Apáczai (Ungarn) stellt sich vor, in: Fischer, Reinhard/ Heitkämper, Peter (eds.): Montessori-Pädagogik: aktuelle und internationale Entwicklungen — Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Harald Ludwig, Reihe: Impulse der Reformpädagogik, ed. by H. Ludwig, Bd.10, Münster: LIT-Verlag 2005, p.241-251.


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